I wrote this in response to an article on wired here:
Google+ is late to the party, and they're taking it slowly. Doesnt mean they are worse off, FB was pretty slow starting off in the beginning, and pitiful compared to myspace. When Myspace kept shooting its functionality in the foot, only then did FB start to pick up steam.
G+ needs to find something that makes it atractive to the young people before they will flock to it. Still won't be as fast as FBs rise because at the moment they aren't self destructing as fast. FB may have had privacy issues, and ad issues, and hacking issues, but none of that messes with their core functionality, people canstill get on there and do what they like doing.
As much as the nerd in all of us wants to proclaim the g+ feature-set superior, it doesnt really matter because its not the nerd in all of us that they need to appeal to in order to get a full share of the mass market. They need something 'neat', music, or cool decorations on your page, or something that every little teeny bopper will love as the new shiny thing. . ...not just something technically superior.
They may still win out, but its just blatant guessing to predict it right now.
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